Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rain, rain go away...

The weather has been unusually weird since we arrived…. It has rained and been overcast a lot of the time. In fact the second day we were here there was a very bad storm in Brisbane with hail and tornados. It is said to be the worst storm in 25 years!! But despite the off and on bad weather we have had a nice trip so far.

Because the weather has not been the best we have been able to spend a little time in the gym and doing some shopping. The gym is much needed to help counter act all the “Fish & Chips” and beer we have been indulging in. The food is so good. I did not realize how much I missed it. If I only put on 10 lbs I will be lucky!!

We headed to Ballina for 4 days - hoping for better weather. The frist two days have been a little overcase but nice and hot.

David & I at one of the beaches in Ballina.

It is very beautiful here, but sadly, a shark took the life of a surfer here just a few weeks ago.

Abby & Ashlee playing in the sand.

While in Ballina we found a sky dive shop...... Thought "Paul & Jenny" might like to check it out. http://www.skydivebyronbay.com/index.html

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