Tuesday, November 10, 2009

100 things about me

I hear there is a tradition that when you post your 100th post you make it a list about yourself.

See what you did and didn't know about me. Some not so exciting facts.

1. I was in the musical “Oklahoma” …. And I can’t sing!!
2. Red is my favorite color
3. I have a minor in Religion.
4. My first car was a 1966 Ford Mustang.
5. It was red.
6. I am a roller coaster junkie.
7. I am afraid of heights.
8. I have two good friends from high school – Tammy Trent and Tammy Johnson.
9. Tammy Trent and I took a taxi across Houston to go to Astro World when I was 14.
10. I got an awful haircut in 6th grade and cried for a week.
11. My first job was at Golden Fried Chicken – now Golden Chick.
12. I have a weakness for pizza.
13. Math was my worst subject in both high school and college.
14. I HATE peas and tomatoes.
15. I was in a social fraternity in college.
16. I have only been to Las Vegas once.
17. The Wizard of Oz is my favorite movie.
18. I wore a Mickey Mouse watch until I graduated from college.
19. I was Miss Leander.
20. I was in the Miss Texas Pageant representing Williamson County.
21. I wear a size 8 shoe.
22. When I am really, really mad I cry – which makes me mad and I cry more!
23. I was a Blue bird & a Campfire girl when I was little.
24. I had hernia surgery when I was five.
25. I had a weakness for shoes growing up – I took 23 pair on a week long cruise with my sister.
26. My sister is 12 years older than me.
27. When I stared kindergarten she was a freshman at Texas A&M – Whoop!
28. I lived on a farm for a few years – we had cows, pigs, and chickens.
29. I can listen to one conversation and have another at the same time.
30. I broke my ankle in 6th grade during a pep rally.
31. I broke my tail bone in 11th grade during a pep rally.
32. I like country, pop and rock music but NOT rap.
33. John Stamos and Bo Duke were my teenage heartthrobs.
34. I Love the bands KISS, ACDC & Journey.
35. I met Paul Stanley (From KISS) at Six Flaggs in Dallas.
36. My first concert was Billy Squire. I went with Casey Clawson – His mother drove us.
37. I have never been fired. Yet – you never know!
38. I have a short temper.
39. I don’t hold grudges long – except for one!
40. I can remember phone numbers really well.
41. Making this list is harder than I thought it would be.
42. I am a horrible speller.
43. I will turn 40 this year.
44. I don’t manage money well.
45. I love the warm weather.
46. My ideal retirement home is on a beach in Australia.
47. I have passed out three times in my life.
48. I have a VERY sensitive nose.
49. I love rainy days.
50. I like to watch old home movies.
51. I am claustrophobic.
52. I have stepped on two different rattlesnakes in my life.
53. I had a play house with running water as a child.
54. I love to shop on-line.
55. I had a foreign exchange student during high school. Her name was Emma.
56. I had a pen pal from the Army during high school.
57. My comfort food is garlic toast.
58. I have been sick on my birthday at least three times.
59. I still have my tonsils.
60. I am a chronic “list maker”.
61. I hated having a December birthday growing up. I don’t mind now.
62. I was a band “nerd” from 6th to 9th grade.
63. I hate to run.
64. I wanted to be an orthodontist or a teacher growing up.
65. I was a real tom-boy until about the 6th grade. Complete with forts and toy trucks.
66. I was voted most likely to open a dance studio after college.
67. My parents are still married.
68. I was a girl scout leader but never a girl scout.
69. I like to bowl but am not good at it.
70. I did horrible on the SAT.
71. I can’t type very well and never took a typing class.
72. I was in high school when we got our first microwave.
73. My first cell phone was a “bag phone”.
74. I had big 80’s hair in high school.
75. I was a very chubby child from about 9 until 13.
76. I hate being late.
77. I am not a morning person.
78. I don’t read much only because I don’t have time.
79. I like to work out but rarely do.
80. I am still madly in love with my husband!
81. I remember the first time I went to the circus and LOVED it.
82. I loved playing poker with my Dad as a child.
83. I am not a sore loser.
84. My Dad taught me to dance in the kitchen while my Mom cooked dinner.
85. I got hit in the head with a fence post and have a big scar.
86. I still think George Strait is HOT.
87. I sing in the shower and car.
88. I talk to myself and sometime answer too.
89. I have zero nieces or nephews.
90. I have 39 first cousins and countless second.
91. I cry at sad movies.
92. I love living in the country.
93. I would quit my job tomorrow if I won the lotto – with NO notice.
94. I was in UIL story telling in elementary school.
95. I have a tattoo.
96. I have a high school letter jacket.
97. I have never had a surprise party.
98. I drive too fast.
99. I have never been without a job since I was 15.
100. I often have blond moments.


  1. LOL... That's great!

    When I first saw you doing THIS, I couldn't believe it: "29.) I can listen to one conversation and have another at the same time."

    But it's true! Amazing.

    BTW: Is it a gift or a curse? ;-)

  2. I can relate to SO many of your answers!
    BTW; Happy BIRTHDAY!! When is it!?
