Tuesday, January 12, 2010

As Seen on TV

I am sure you have seen the infomercials’ for them. The blanket with Sleeves – The Snuggie.

When Markus turned 40 in late November Eric & Lisa gave him a snuggie. We all had a good laugh and that was the last I thought of it. That was until last week when I received a belated birthday gift from Eric & Lisa. You guessed it – a snuggie of my very own.
You laugh, but Amanda and Allie LOVE it. They have even been fighting over using it.

Thanks to everyone for all my birthday gifts, cards and wishes. You all have made my 40th a very special one.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right! My Snuggie is gone, too. Claimed by the rest of the family.

    I like the leopard look! :-)
