Sunday, June 29, 2008

Rain, rain go away...

It has not rained in almost two months, but it had to rain today - the day we were having a pool party!

We planned to celebrate Emily & Allie's birthdays today by renting the neighborhood pool. All was looking great until just before the party when the echo of thunder sounded. So there was no swimming for a while. We took advantage of this by hitting the piñata (shaped like a football) and opening gifts while we waited to swim.

Once we received the "thumbs up" to swim from the lifeguards the kids had a great time.

Emily wanted a swimming theme complete with a "pool cake" and Allie wanted a football theme. It must be because she loves to watch football with her Dad so much. She had cupcakes complete with a footballl ring.

1 comment:

  1. The kids had a great time! Julius loved the football cupcakes, he wants to have football party just to have some of those again. Maybe when the football season starts :-)
